Adam Kuhn

A Single Drop

A Single Drop is a self-directed awareness campaign built around the UN's strategy to end the AIDS pandemic by 2030. This campaign seeks to increase awareness around advancements made in HIV testing and change the conversation regarding HIV treatment and safer sex.

Project Goals

This campaign evolved from personal research into the UN Fast-track project and their goals of using new methods to help end the global AIDS epidemic by 2030. Deliverables would be three 36" x 48" posters, a standard tri-fold brochure sample, logo, and logo mockups.


I wanted to create a smaller awareness campaign around HIV testing that used a different set of persuasive methods outside the clinical and medical language used in existing testing programs.

Research included resources from UN Aids, PrEP Watch, the CDC, the Canadian National Health Service and the UN Fast-Track program.

The goal was to use more personal and aspirational language to avoid stigmatizing assumptions around HIV testing. The final body type would use Futura and the titles would use SF Pro.

Brochure cover folds.
Logo is positioned where a recipient would grab with their thumb.

In order to emphasize the testing focused aspect of the campaign, I created a non-descript fingerprint with pinprick logo as discreet branding. This logo is paired across info graphics, posters and a brochure.

Simplified fingerprint with blood drop created in Illustrator.

The logo was then used to help determine the main color palette for the campaign's assets. Lifting from the beauty and wellness industries, I selected a palette of skin shades to use as a base. Using these shades would distance the campaign materials from their clinical roots and provide a visual point of entry, free of assumptions, for viewers.

The skin shade palette offers the most variety for multiple print runs.
All colors are tints of each other to make printing cost-effective at scale.

To re-emphasize accesibility, and add warmth and humanity to this campain, I painted a series of soft focused figurative illustrations using my selected color palette. The final images were used for posters and the cover folds of the brochure.

Imagery needed to be non-medical and non-stock-photo.
I invisioned hand-drawn illustrated close-ups of couples embracing.
Illustration roughs.
Hand-painted in Photoshop.